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LoveFrance's Shop

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Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.




Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.
Question forms

Question forms

Work sheet to consolidate questions forms and using them with activities. Use in collaboration with the Questions and activities display.


Recognising breakfast items. Can be used to present or practice and repetitions.
Key verbs

Key verbs

4 key French verbs and a second sheet with some parts taken out for checking learning.
Guided revision sheet

Guided revision sheet

This student guide was designed to be used with Asset languages, can be used to check what your year 9 class has studied and make a diagnostic.
Grammatical terms

Grammatical terms

Matching basic grammatical terms, used with Y6 and Y7 students to check understanding. Helpful for teaching MFL or English.
Guess who?

Guess who?

The PowerPoint that accompanies the Guess who? Work sheet for a whole class moving around the classroom reading activity.


A clock that can be printed onto card an cut out, students attach hands with a stationary clip. Great for using as AFL resource when practising and telling the time, use a game or competition. Could also be displayed and referred to during the lesson.
My town starter

My town starter

Complete the words with the missing vowels. Starter activity helps with word recognition, pronunciation, spelling.
Town Battleships

Town Battleships

Battleships game using the vocabulary for places around town. Great for practising vocabulary and repetition.
Culture-News article Les mignonnes French A level

Culture-News article Les mignonnes French A level

A news article from Le Monde 16/09/2020. Les mignonnes is a topical cultural subject on cinema that should interest A level students. With my class we read the whole article together and see what we know about the topic without delving too much into the details of the language as this is for the question paper. Working in pairs students answer questions that support them working out meaning through context a verbal and a written translation and some comprehension questions. Depending on the level of your group or individuals further support can be given by the teacher where necessary and a follow up or homework activity set. The question sheet includes the answers to save you time. I hope that you find this useful and that your students enjoy the tasks. Any feedback is welcome!
Climate change - French news article A level

Climate change - French news article A level

A recent article 21/09/20 from Le Point about climate change. Up to date and topical for Advanced level students. Activities include word and sentence recognition, translation and research. Answer sheet included. I hope you and your students find it useful, any feedback would be welcome.
French news article coronavirus

French news article coronavirus

This resource is designed for Students of French preparing for GCSE or Alevel exams, it is an article about Covid-19 from Le Monde newspaper. I have written some comprehension questions and also included the answer sheet. Please feel free to share it with your students if you feel it will support their distance learning.
My town

My town

Flashcards of places around town. Can be used to present or reinforce vocabulary.